
Fundo Cafetalero Vista Alegre

Fundo Cafetalero Vista Alegre


Fundo Cafetalero Vista Alegre

Fundo Cafetalero Vista Alegre

Coffee & Cocoa


Behind the majestic Machu Picchu, in the department of Cusco, navel of the world, main center of the great Inca Empire in the Quillabamba region, there is a town called PALMA REAL, where these blessed cultures of Arabica coffee, Caturra, typical, yellow bourbon and others; cultivated between 700 and 1500 m.s., where the Expertiz combined with modern techniques of coffee cultivation combine to harvest after a long year of intensive care of these grains, whose product they blink, slowly, with each sip.

our crops

We take care of giving our coffee plantations a happy, natural childhood, toasting all the attention required by these jealous species.


From the CHUNCHO variety, forests loaded with this amber fruit, Semenjan to the sun and with chocolate fragrance, advance up the hill populating the land of their cousins, our coffee plantations.


Siguayro from the jungle. Animalito used for the collection of the most expensive coffee in the world.

Barista method for the manual preparation of coffee.

Mesh system for drying "Honey" coffee.

Coffee Process


Vivero installation


Time 2 months, the seeds are located in sand substrate river lava or virgin land disinfected, then covered with a jute or palm tree sack, conserving humidity, and watering daily twice a day.


Time from 4 to 6 months, placement of coffee seedlings to bags with substrate, selection of seedlings with straight and healthy roots. Monitoring of pests and diseases, shade management and fertilization.


Installation of Plants in Final Field

Planting of Coffee

Transplant of coffee seedlings to selected field, almost ground flat, clean of malesa and presence of trees that provide shade.

Coffee Growing

All the life of the plant, controlling the weeds, pests, diseases and carrying out pruning and fertilization, year after year. Soil sampling and shade management.

Selective Harvest

Time taken between the months of April and August. Collection, only, of red fruits. It prevents the fruit from over-ripening in the plant or collecting from the soil. Depends on factors of height, climate, humidity, among others.

July- August

Benefit Process

Wet Benefit

Made immediately after the day's collection. Process that is intended to preserve and maintain the quality of coffee, through different stages.

Dry benefit

Made before consumption; the grain, called green or gold, you get with the threshing of dry parchment grain. Then, it is selected by size, shape, density and color

The rest of the year

Roasted and Ground

The green coffee bean increases its size to almost double, changing in color and density. At a lower point of toasting, little acidity, little or no bitterness, no harshness and little body. The more roasted, the more bitter your taste will be. The grind will depend of the method or preparation used for coffee.


Visual Appreciations

The color of brown, black, light black, medium, medium dark, dark. Appearance of the infusion, clear or cloudy, dense or weak. Fragrance of dry coffee, variety of the land of cultivation, benefit.

Gustatory Olfactory Appreciations

Coffee aroma in infusion, point of toasting, fruit, citrus, nuts, earth, scented, bouquet, candy, wet animal, cereal, chocolate, flavored, floral, grassy, ​​wood, smoked, tobacco.
Distillation, sweet aftertaste, carbohydrates and proteins; salty, potassium, phosphorus and calcium; acid, chlorogenic, citric, malic; bitter, caffeine, phenols, trigonelline; acid, acrid, sour, bitterness, astringency, rancid.

Tactile Aspects

Greases and oils, thickening, fluidity or lightness in the mouth when preserving in it, for a few seconds, a sip of coffee.


  • +51 054 288 188
  • fundocafetalerovistaalegre@gmail.com
  • +51 971 462 392